- Which part of the design process do you enjoy the most?
Whats your strength and weakness?
Tell me about yourself?
Give us an example of how you resolve a disagreement?
How would you do it differently (change anything) if you can start over? (usually on launched product)
Use one word to describe yourself (or how would your friend describe you)?
Who is your favorite designer?
Why do you want to work here? 面試之前 建議把該公司歷史 產品都研究一遍 我就曾犯過以為公司是從 kickstarter 開始的 卻不是的囧境
What would you wish to learn from this opportunity?
Why do you want to leave your current job?
Where do you see yourself in 2 years, 4 years, 10 years from now?
What do you like to do in your free time?
When in group project, what kind of role do you play most of the time?
What do you think about our ____ product?
Why did you make this design decision?
What did you contribute in this group project?
Please tell us how would you make this part? (通常是對資深設計師問的問題)
What kind of project interest you the most?
Are you willing to travel?
What kind of talent are you looking for?
What is the role you are looking to fill?
What is a normal design process like? How are decisions made?
What is the office culture?
How long does a project take?
What do you like about working here?
What is the working hour like?
How often do you travel?
Can you give me some feedback/suggestions on my portfolio?
When should I expect to hear back from you?
How big is the team?
要是提供面試的人沒有提到薪水或假期的問題 建議不要先行詢問 通常實習薪資是固定的 而全職工作要是他們很滿意你的表現 才會問到這個問題 在公司缺人的時候 常常需要花上一兩個月的時間面試 回復不一定是即時的 建議適時的提醒 但是千萬不要死纏爛打 要是公司遇上對的人才 馬上提供機會是很常見的 有時候內部意見不一致的話 或上呈制度複雜 一兩個月的時間是很正常的
以上為面試常見問題 想到更多的話再更新